
Søren Jakobsen

Work Experience

Webdeveloper / Twins Solutions
Mar 2019 - Current

Developing webshops and websites using Dynamicweb (CMS & webshop) and Umbraco. Working with C#, Razor, JavaScript, HTML and CSS as development tools on a daily basis.

Webdeveloper / EG A/S
May 2017 - Feb 2019

Developing webshops and websites for EG customers using Dynamicweb (CMS & webshop) and Umbraco. Working with C#, Razor, JavaScript, HTML and CSS as development tools on a daily basis. I have among other developed Fridtjof E. Rasmussen new webshop for B2B customers and a brand new company website for Nethire.dk

Internship / Eksponent ApS
Aug 2016 - Jan 2017

Participated in developing on PUMA platform using AngularJS, C#, ravenDB with Domain Driven Design

Head of Sports & Project consultant / Danish Tennis Federation (DTF)
Jan 2013 - Apr 2015

One achievement was to develop a new age-related training concept.


PBA Webdevelopment @CphBusiness

Bachelor Degree in Web Development

ManagementAcademy @Danmarks Idræts Forbund

Management course regarding leadership aspects in Sports

Computer Science @Lyngby Uddannelsescenter

AP Degree

Articles and books

Age-related Player Development in Tennis

Book and coach education material regarding the logn-term Player Development with the Players age and Playing/Skills level as a guidance.

Long-term Player Development in Tennis

Recumendations regarding the long-term Player Development perspective in Tennis

Logo for Long-term development